is one of the top 50 sites on the web dealing with home improvement and repair topics. It was named "One of the Top 50 Sites in the World" by Time Magazine. It gets over two million unique visitors per month.
To provide consumers with unbiased home improvement and repair information in a community environment.
How to topics covered on the site are: Air Conditioning, Automotive Repair, Crafts and Recreation, Decorating, Electrical and Lighting, Exterior Home Improvement, Gardening and Patio Going Green, Hardware and Tools, Heating and Ventilating, Household and Cleaning, Interior Home Improvement, Painting Personal Finance and Legal Plumbing, Real Estate, Remodeling, Did It Myself Projects
"DoItYourself" provides advice from professionals in over 100 subjects at their forums. Currently the number of members is 156,285 alongwith 1,341,772 posts. You can estimate from few forum topics which kind of information you can discuss or find there:
Automotive Repair, Crafts and Recreation, Decorating, Electrical and Lighting, Exterior Home Improvement, Personal Finance & Legal, Flooring, Gardening and Patio Going Green, Hardware & Tools, Household and Cleaning, Interior Home Improvement, Plumbing Real Estate
There is a section where you can watch videos showing do-it-yourself projects.
Related posts:
* 'Online Tips' for home improvement and gardening
* 'Make Stuff Sites' helping you make projects yourself
* "Do-It-Yourself" - hobby