A hobby blog to get tips, ideas, reviews, resources, interests, leisure, pastimes, recreation, entertainment and travel.

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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Find Interesting and fun stuff at 'Village of Joy'

I love to surf the internet not only to find information but I like to read or browse the fun stuff. There are many amazing, interesting, weird, Odd and Funny things about our World which we have to discover and internet have provided us a platform where with the touch of our finger we can get in touch with that stuff. "Village of job" is one of those entertaining sites which is a good pastime to surf.

Village of joy is an online entertainment magazine about our worlds most interesting, weird and wonderful things.

Because we like internet and we love blogging! We like weird and crazy things and we love sharing them.'

10 Most Popular posts at the blog are:

* 50 Strange Buildings of the World
* 25 Motivational Posters.
* 20 Strange Sculptures (Part I)
* 20 Unusual Churches (Part I)
* 50 Weird and Crazy Cars
* Funny Vanity License Plates
* Amazing Graffiti Art by Banksy
* Amazing Architecture of Dubai
* 10 Most Poisonous Animals in the World
* 20 Amazing Origami Art works

These post titles show you the stuff you can expect to find at the site.

Few pictures from the site:
Vegetable art!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Get everything funny and amazing at - 'Fun and entertainment guaranteed'

Fun and entertainment is an essential part of life. There are many fun and jokes related sites around the net, but I love to read blogs which are related to entertainment topics. Today's blog is 'Fun and Entertainment guarantee' and I am sure that after visiting the site you would say that there is real fun around this site.

Just watch few of the pictures from the site:

Site link: Fun and entertainment guaranteed

Description: Extensive collection of clean humor, Hot Issues, Funny moments, Fun collection, Creative stuffs, Yo mama jokes, etc.

More Useful links:

Bolly jolly

Thursday, March 19, 2009

'Circle you' - offering you information about recreational activities

Recreation is a product of any activity which can be described to have fun and enjoyment from any kind of task either sports, music, travel, hobbies etc. Recreation is very important for our lives to keep us fresh and happy.

Circle You.com is a site offering information about recreational activities. Recreational activities naturally deal with recreation produced either from hobbies, leisure, travel or any relevant way.

More about 'Circle You':

This site helps you understand how recreational activities help in relaxation and contentment and also the need of recreation in your daily life. There is a necessity of making recreational activities a part of your daily routine to imbibe fresh spirit and gain strength and energy to lead a healthy and happy life. Make recreation a habit and strengthen the fabric of your life.

Currently they have these topics discussed at their site:
Music, Photography, Books, Electronics, Toys, Art & Crafts, Cooking, Literature, Sports, Internet, and Collecting

Site link: Circle You.com

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Get the backpacking ideas and tips

Backpacking is a form of travel and in simple words 'backpackers' are usually single travelers with low budget to discover the world with small travel luggage which is called 'backpack'

Start Backpacking is for backpackers and vagabonds offering news, tips, ideas, guides and all necessary information which one may need to start 'backpacking'.
They says:

'It is not as expensive or as difficult as people think, and no matter what your age its never too late to start vagabonding. You aren’t alone. Loads of people know that waking up and making rich old men richer is not the way to live.'

The site is for backpackers and vagabonds. The site explains the term meaning very well!


Rolf Potts, author of the book Vagabonding, describes it as:

“The act of leaving behind the orderly world to travel independently for an extended period of time” and “A deliberate way of living that makes freedom to travel possible”.

So put simply, vagabonding is the act of choosing experiences and travel adventures over working away your life for material things.

There is a difference between vagabonding and vacation: A vacation is an attempt to squeeze a year’s worth of enjoyment, relaxation, and adventure into a 2 week or 10 day package. What often results is an expensive distraction, and then an unsatisfied return to reality, which is always waiting at home. In fact, after vacation, you find yourself worse off than before you left, playing catchup with work, mail, chores, etc.

Someone that is vagabonding never really returns completely from their trip. They may be home, earning money at work, etc… but always they are in the mindset to leave again. A vagabonder works only to provide the fuel for travel and adventure, not to build a lifestyle of fashion and toys.

Their 'backpacking guide' has been helping people since 2007 and explains it many steps like:

1: Get a Passport for Travel
2: Planning a Travel
3: Getting Visas for Travel
4: Vaccinations for Travel
5: Find Cheap Flights
6: Backpacking Travel Insurance
7: Travel Preparation
8: Trip Purchases
9: Packing a Backpack
10: Before Leaving Home
The Journey Begins!
The new backpacker forums are full of both experienced travelers offering advice as well as fellow rat race escapees that are looking for some inspiration and brotherhood. The forums are the living heart of our site and there are new backpacking tips posted daily.
You can join the forums

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Discover yourself 'Which hobby best suits your personality?'

Sometimes we feel very enthusiastic about variety of hobbies and pastime but later we realize that there are few of those hobbies which actually suit your personality and you are really passionate about.

Is there any measure which can suggest us to discover our passions towards hobbies or pastime? or which pastime may fit our interest?

'CNN leisure' has offered an online quiz which can help you find the best hobbies or pastimes to fit your personality.

I have taken the quiz and the result was:


'You have a gift for expression. Whether it's writing, drawing, creating objets d'art or making music, you see the world in a unique way and are able to convey that to other people. No doubt you doodle on napkins and meeting notes, are always humming a new tune, have already read the latest fiction releases, and know all the local art galleries' schedules by heart. You might like hobbies like sketching, photography, sculpting, playing an instrument, singing, journaling, scrap-booking or designing clothing.'

"Take the quiz"

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A site for caricature lovers 'Wittygraphy'

'Caricature' would be a new term or word for many of us. You would notice that in daily newspaper or magazines there are cartoon like pictures which are similar to real personality but few features of the face or body are humorously enlarged or distorts.

Few definitions of this term:

- Caricature, a satirical drawing, plastic representation, or description which, through exaggeration of natural features, makes its subject appear ridiculous.

- A 'caricature' is either a portrait that exaggerates or distorts the essence of a person or thing to create an easily identifiable visual likeness, or in literature, a description of a person using exaggeration of some characteristics and oversimplification of others

Wittygraphy is a social network for caricature lovers. It is a marketplace connecting caricature buyers to caricaturists
It is also a free online directory for caricaturists to promote their work.

It is the place where you can collect favorites, rate caricatures, and track your friends and favorite caricaturists.

What you can get from this social network?

* Discover and view caricatures from their large network of artists
* Build a network of buddies to help each other discovering great caricaturists
* Vote for caricatures
* Follow your favorite caricaturists
* Keep track of your favorite caricatures
* Find caricaturists for live party events living in your area
* Find caricaturists with the style and technique you like to get your caricature done

What you can do there?

* Connect with a huge number of caricature lovers
* Free web space to show your work to the world
* Advertise and sell your services directly to Wittygraphy members
* Receive direct orders from Wittygraphy members
* Listed in our large directory of caricaturists
* Build your network of fans and buyers
* Receive feedback for the work done and build your reputation

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Discoer new stuff to do at 'Did dit'

Did dit is a social community place to discover new stuff to do.
Keep track of what you wanna do, share stories about your life experiences (your "diddits"), and meet people like you.

Whatever your interests or hobbies are, if it is meant for fun and entertainment, this is the place for it. You can start browsing from the top menu bar and select the topic of your interest.

It is the list site itself provides:

10 Things to Do on Diddit...

* Check off things you've done - "diddits."
* Star stuff you wanna do - "wanna dos."
* Tell stories about your life experiences.
* Create lists of things you've done, things you wanna do, or both.
* Browse and search our database of over 200k things to do.
* Add suggestions to lists.
* Meet people like you.
* Share your favorite lists on Facebook.
* Build your profile of life experiences.
* Have fun. Get inspired. Discover your world.
Join Did dit or just browse the site to have fun.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Join the social network for hobbyists 'Hobby Thing'

I am a members of many forums/online social community sites, because it helps me learn more about the topics I am interested like hobbies, blogging, education and etc. There are number of people with like minded interests, blogs, tips, and ideas. And it is very amusing to interact with those people having same interests.

Hobby Thing is a social network for hobbyists and collectors. It is a place for hobby enthusiasts to meet and discuss their interests.

Their opinion about hobbies:

'Hobby is like a too big word for everyday interests and lifestyle. If you are passionate about something it is you hobby. It does not have to be collecting stamps or anything like that. Working in your garden to make it look all nice and pretty is a hobby already; or experimenting with cooking to impress your loved ones.

Hobby is anything that makes you relax, happy and takes your mind away form everyday troubles...

Sometimes would be cool to talk to someone who the same as you likes to dig in a garden, read long time forgotten classical literature or simply cycle around for a pleasure.'

You can register for free.

At their 'forum' you can talk to others about cool and popular hobbies and this is the place to talk to other hobby enthusiasts!

There are interesting and useful hobby articles like, 'What is teabag folding hobby?', 'My adventure with meditation' etc. Yor are allowed to submit your articles as well.

- There are 'hobby groups' at the site on popular hobbies and if you don't find related group then you are allowed to start your own group there.

You get their support as a hobbyist as they say:

'We want to give a chance to hobbyists, who put their first steps turning their passions into professions. Members are more then welcome to advertise their work in their profile for free. They can also find others with similar interests, make friends and maybe get some advice on the subject too.'

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