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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Yo-yo buying tips

With all the different types of yo-yos, it is often hard to decide which one is best for you. Beside the price of yo-yo you need to learn which yo-yo is best for you or your child according to skill level. Before searching the market to purchase a yo-yo these yo-yo buying tips can help you.

Tips on buying a yo-yo
  • Pick a model based on the skill level of the player.
  • Select a beginner design: A standard axle yo-yo is a good start but one with an auto-return mechanism speeds the learning curve. 
  • Check also for models that can be taken apart which is a necessity for dealing with frustrating string tangles.
  • Once you know the basics move to a transaxle. Longer spin times make learning tricks easier. When you know you’ve got the skills, check out the high-end ball bearing transaxle models.
  • Buy spare strings when you purchase the yo-yo. String length should be between the belt line and the navel with the yo-yo resting on the floor.
Tips source: "YoBoy.com"

Useful links:

* 'Yo-yo buyer's guide' is a complete guide about yo-yo shapes, material, string,

* To know more about the site: buying a yo-yo for the first time

* 'Yo-yo buying tips at 'Jigglingstore.com'
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