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Monday, October 20, 2008

Benefits of Gardening

During primary and high school level, we were usually asked to write essays on some typical topics like 'my favourite hobby', 'my school' or 'my favorite hobby' etc and 'gardening' was a common topic among them. So benefits of gardening are known to many of us for years. Being a nature lover I always liked observing nature and gardening is no doubt an ideal activity to go close to nature.

This post helps you learn benefits of gardening which you may know before or may be not.

Steve Upson, horticulturist for the Ardmore-based Noble Foundation says, 'The older I get, the more aware I become of the importance of physical activity in maintaining my health," Upson said. "Numerous studies show that regular physical activity reduces the risk of premature death, heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, adult-onset diabetes, osteoporosis, stroke, and certain types of cancer."

Gardening contributes to physical health, since activities such as digging, planting, weeding, and harvesting are all part of three types of physical activity: endurance, flexibility, and strength.

"Gardening is a labor of love. Exercise is just plain labor," Upson observed. "Human nature suggests that you're going to do something you love much more frequently than something you don’t love. Given the choice between a treadmill and gardening, I'll take the garden anytime."

The benefits of gardening are not all in the body; they're also in the mind. Tending your garden is a real stress buster, helping relieve feelings of anxiety and providing a break from the general rush of life. Because the work involved is mainly physical, gardeners have a chance to think about their concerns, meditate, or just spend a few hours daydreaming. They can also feel a sense of accomplishment in a job well done.

"While I'm gardening, I'm thinking not so much about the health benefits as I am about consuming some great-tasting food," Upson noted. "The thought of feasting on fresh roasted sweet corn, a vine ripe tomato, or a cold slice of melon is what really motivates me. Is this quality of life or what!"

Scientists have built a strong body of evidence that shows that fruits and vegetables promote general good health and may protect against heart disease and several types of cancer. Besides being low in calories and fat, fruits and vegetables contain many essential vitamins and minerals.

They also contain substances referred to as phytochemicals, which are usually related to plant pigments. Yellow, orange, red, green, and purple colored fruits and vegetables generally contain the most phytochemicals. More than 900 different phytochemicals have been found in plant foods, and more will likely be discovered. Phytochemicals work in concert with other nutrients to protect against disease. Supplements and pills contain large doses of only one or two phytochemicals and have not proven effective, Upson explained.

Growing produce for market is an excellent way to generate additional income. However, don't underestimate the myriad other benefits gardening can provide.

"Ever wonder why God placed Adam and Eve in a garden?" Upson said. "The reason is that gardening is good for you!".

Source: The Benefits of Gardening

Related studies:

- Benefits of gardening (pdf report)
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