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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Amazing art and crafts projects with paper quilling

Paper quilling is another form of paper art or craft. It is a great looking art which you can use to decorate gift packs, picture frames, coasters, jewelry, trinket boxes, invitations and greetings cards. Paper quilling involves the use of strips of paper that are rolled, shaped, and glued together to make attractive designs. It is also called Paper Filigree or Filigrana.

What is quilling?

Quilling or paper filigree is the art of creating designs with narrow strips of paper that have been wound around a quill or quilling tool to create a basic shape. The basic shapes are glued together and arranged to form all kinds of creative and interesting designs. Quilling is one of the easiest crafts to learn. Nearly all of quilling is done with just a few variations of basic rolls and scrolls.

Quilling history:
Quilling is an art form that dates back to the Renaissance and is an art form that involves the use of strips of paper that are rolled, shaped, and glued together to make intricate designs.

There are two different explanations given for the name "quilling." Some say it comes from the use of a quill as a tool to roll the paper strips into coils, while others contend that the coils of paper created resemble rows of quills.

Where to use quilling?

Quilling can be used to create art pieces by gluing a design of unlimited colors and patterns onto a flat cardboard background. Beyond this, quilling is used to decorate items such as picture frames, coasters, jewelry, trinket boxes, invitations and greetings cards.
In addition to gluing paper coils to a background, quilling can involve sculpting and gluing coils together to create free-standing, three-dimensional objects.

Popular shapes created from paper coils include flowers, leaves, ornate scrolls and abstract patterns.

Quilling can be used to create art pieces by gluing a design of unlimited colors and patterns onto a flat cardboard background.

Quillers can do the quilling at boxes, cabinets and other items with recessed surfaces and decorate them.

Useful resources and links:

* Definition of 'quilling' at: 'wikipedia'

* 'Creative quilling' offers basic tutorial for beginners and free patterns.

* 'My Paper Quilling' offers paper quilling ideas, projects.

* What Is Paper Quilling?

Below are the links to few blogs (I have selected few blogs among hundreds) dealing in quilling projects and you can get lots of tips, ideas, and patterns to make your own quilling crafts.

* 'Inna's Creations'
is a blog with amazing quilling projects.

* 'Quilling, art and expression' offers free instructions and patterns for quilling, tea bag folding, and paper crafts.

'If looks could quill'

* 'Quilling ideas'  

* 'All things paper'

* 'Paper quilling ideas'

* 'Basic quilling shapes'

* If you want to know more about this amazing art form go to the link: 'History of paper quilling'
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  1. Very informative! Thanks for providing all the photos and links.

    Harvest Moon by Hand


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