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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

From where to get ideas for hobbies or other leisure activities?

What you do when you have nothing to do at your leisure?
(Even you are bored with your hobbies)

Better to look around for hobby ideas. Because hobbies help us spend our spare time in a better way and many hobbies provide us joy or satisfaction.
There are times when you really feel and say,"I’m bored"

Idea helper is a site where you can post your ideas, add or look for ideas about hobbies.

The topics catagories are: Birthday, Business, General, History, Lifestyle, Wedding and you can search for recipe ideas, making gift basket, wedding anniversary, money saving, presentation, marketing, kids activity and a lot more ideas.

* List of hobby ideas provides you a long list of hobby ideas, so when you are short in ideas or look around and can't decide which in hobby you should engage yourself, then this list can help you.

More idea pages:
- Student idea list

- Kids activity ideas
- Children's party craft ideas

- Welcome home ideas
If you have good ideas about any occasion, any topic and want to add to the site: add your idea

More links to get ideas:

- Find some creative and hobby ideas at "Creative world" site from "Camlin: Do it yourself

- "Hobby University" is for Hobby ideas, education, and other hobby-related information for all. You can find craft techniques, gift, skill, tips and tricks at the site.
Link: Hobby University

- At "HG TV": site Hobby Ideas for Kids

- At your finder tips provides ideas to hlep make children more creative.

- For a lot of hobby ideas and articles: Hobby only.net

- Hobbyist project ideas at Staedtler.co.uk

- Get ideas and tips, articles on hobbies: Hobby craft- hobby guide
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