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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Benefits of "Playing Board Games"

Games which children or adults play are meant to have fun. Digital age has brought a gift of video or computer games. Still many kind of outdoor or indoor games are favorite pass time of children and adults alike.
Games are great for developing life skills, hand-eye-coordination, mental agility and social skills. Games have a far greater educational influence than most people are aware of. Many children with developmental disabilities, who don't normally seem to react to their environments are often completely transformed when playing games.
Every hobby, leisure or recreation activity has its own benefits and playing board games also has many benefits. This article would provide you information and links about benefits of playing "Board Games"

A report of "CBS News" says:

"Study: Reading, Playing Board Games, Dancing May Prevent Dementia"

"(CBS) New research suggests that a brain workout on a regular basis can greatly reduce the risk of developing dementia, including Alzheimer's disease.

The Early Show medical correspondent Dr. Emily Senay says there are no hard answers when it comes to the benefits of a regular brain workout. But, she says, more evidence is building up that mentally–stimulating leisure activities can reduce the risk of dementia and help maintain cognitive abilities as people age.

They found a reduced incidence of dementia among the people who participated in reading, playing board games, playing musical instruments and dancing. And the researchers found that people who engage in the activities were more frequently less likely to develop dementia.

The study found one activity once a week reduced the risk of dementia by 7 percent. Risk reduction went up to 63 percent for those who participated in more activities more frequently.

The medical community is not sure why mental activity benefits the brain, but one theory suggests mental challenges may keep brain cells healthy and less prone to disease or damage.

Another theory, says Senay, is that mentally-stimulating activities may help build up cognitive reserve, so there is more brain cells to replace any that is lost."

Source for full article: Brain Workout Benefits

* At "Scholastic" they say that "Playing games with your kids is a perfect way to spend time together — and build learning skills at the same time."

- They satisfy your child's competitive urges and the desire to master new skills and concepts, such as:

  • number and shape recognition, grouping, and counting
  • letter recognition and reading
  • visual perception and color recognition
  • eye-hand coordination and manual dexterity

Games don't need to be overtly academic to be educational, however. Just by virtue of playing them, board games can teach important social skills, such as communicating verbally, sharing, waiting, taking turns, and enjoying interaction with others. Board games can foster the ability to focus, and lengthen your child's attention span by encouraging the completion of an exciting, enjoyable game. Even simple board games like Chutes and Ladders offer meta-messages and life skills: Your luck can change in an instant — for the better or for the worse. The message inherent in board games is: Never give up. Just when you feel despondent, you might hit the jackpot and ascend up high, if you stay in the game for just a few more moves.

The article also suggests "Choosing the Right Board Game at Every Age"
Read in detail at source article:
The Benefits of Board Games

* Playing board games can have positive impace on whole family.

Board games have been experiencing a growth spurt in the past decade. There are now over 42,000 board games and accessories on the market, and sales reached over $5 billion in 2004.

"Millions of game enthusiasts already know that games are positive, social entertainment," said Mark Simmons, the founder of National Games Week (which just ran from November 19-25 this year) and publisher of Games Quarterly(TM).

Some benefits:

- Playing board games after a family dinner is an excellent way to get closer to your family (you'll often be surprised at where the conversation goes), while strengthening your family bond, and allowing kids to practice essential problem-solving and other cognitive skills.
- Playing "casual games" (board games, card games, word games, etc.) is an excellent way to kick back and relax, according to an online survey by RealNetworks, Inc., a casual games developer.

The survey found that:

64 percent of respondents said they play games as a way to unwind and relax

53 percent play for stress relief

42 percent believe game play is a way to keep his/her mind sharp

75 percent of those with children said they see educational benefits for their children who play casual games

"It's a wild concept, but I see this trend as a way for women and men to establish mental balance and embrace a healthy form of comfort," said women's lifestyle expert and author Jennifer Louden.

Source: The Amazing Health Benefits of Board Games for Adults as Well as Kids


* At "Games info depot": Board Games Benefits

Related post:
Playing "Board Games" - An ancient pastime
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