Sky Diving, Kayak Shark Fishing, Rattlesnake Roundup, Cave Diving, Glacier Surfing, Storm Chasing, Bull Fighting, Lion Hunting, MMA Fight, Noodling( fishing with your hands). There are pictures or Youtube links, which has made this post interesting.
"Not So Boring Life" is hobby site dedicated to helping you not become Jack or boring for that matter.
Few pages:
- Hobbies Guide page have only guide for 6 hobbies (hope that site would add more)
There are pages about popular hobbies, types of hobbies and list of hobbies. But these pages are yet to be updated, as there are only names and not the links to detailed pages.
You can find more posts at side bar under "catagory" heading.
At "arts" catagory there is a good post about "Intro to Drawing" with links and essential information to learn drawing. Hope to see more posts like it.
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