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Sunday, August 3, 2008

"Do-It-Yourself" - hobby

It was the first time when my husband wanted my help in interior painting for our teen age son's room. I was having holiday the whole July month, so it was fun to join him in painting the walls of the room. I realized that we created very unique paint design on the walls, which our son loved and we also saved money.

Hobbies can save us a lot of money, if we have interest in "Do-It-Yourself" activities. For example home improvement, or remodeling house or house hold
things can be very creative task for us, and naturally when it is done without any professioanl support, we can save money.

Hobbies are recreational activities which provide good times and learning experiences to cherish. But sometimes it is difficult to choose hobbies.

What is "Do-it-yourself" ?

"Do it yourself", often referred to by the acronym DIY, is a term used by various communities that focus on people creating or repairing things for themselves without the aid of paid professionals.

More details from Wikipedia:

The phrase "do it yourself" came into common usage in the 1950s in reference to various jobs that people could do in and around their houses without the help of professionals. A very active community of people continues to use the term DIY to refer to fabricating or repairing things for home needs, on one's own rather than purchasing them or paying for professional repair. In other words, home improvement done by the householder without the aid of paid professionals.

* These few "do-it-yourself" can be made when your have some extra time at home, and want to do some "creative job" like as:
DIY Hair Accessories, DIY Jewelry, DIY Knitting, DIY Model Cars, DIY Purses, DIY Room Decorations, DIY Soap
For more details: Do-it-yourself projects

* DIY Resources at "PesWiki"

* Wikiants is a free content encyclopedia for D.I.Y. projects: Wikiants

* Craftzine offers many craft projects. I loved the post about "Plastic grocery bag recycling" project. There are more posts which come in 'do-it-yourself' catagory.

* Make Stuff have many projects and crafts, which are fun to make.

* Dmoz lists many site links to 'do-it-yourself' topics like:
Auto Repair, Basket Making, Candle Making, Canning and Freezing Food, Cleaning and Stain Removal, Doll Making, Flower Arrangements, Furniture Refinishing,Home Repairs,
Jewelry Making, Knitting, Lace Making, Needlework, Redecorating, Sewing, Soap Making, Upholstering, Welding and Soldering, Wine Making, Woodworking.

- Sites with links to: Home and Garden
- Sites with links to: Home improvement
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