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Saturday, November 15, 2008

"The Family Travel Files" - Ideas for travel with family

Travel with family is a fun trip, but you need to learn and search a lot before planning for your family vacations. There are many destinations which are suitable only for singles or couples and you need special arrangements or preparation if you want to plan a trip with your family.

The Family Travel Files offers family vacation ideas, travel articles, family vacation advice, news, deals, specials and family vacation packages.

They focus on those leisure destinations that provide exceptional family vacation opportunities.

FamilyTravelFiles.com was established in 1998 and one of the reliable source of information from many years.

Why is a website dedicated to family travel important?
Adults with kids living at home do not have time to spend searching for family vacation ideas. While large travel booking sites provide dozens of travel “deals,” few are really for families and those that are provide limited information about the vacation experience.

What they say about themselves?

'Our pages showcase family vacation ideas 24/7 and 365. We do not book tickets or make reservations. Instead our business model maximizes vertical linking providing the best experience for our readers and the maximum results for our travel partners.

We research, travel, and interview, with the intent of improving the online planning experience for families. The information is showcased several ways. Our homepage is an electronic magazine with new and interesting vacation ideas for families. Our vacation directory is loaded with members which are part of the family travel niche. They offer family vacations and family vacation packages that are truly for families.'
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