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Monday, November 3, 2008

"Hobby Ride" - A guide to various hobbies

Hobby ride is a hobby site, offering useful information about variety of hobbies. Banner of the site says, 'Complete guide to hobbies, scrap booking,jewelry making and more', and as it shows that the site is not very old, we hope to see more useful stuff there.
The topics covered are:

- Best Scrapbooking Layouts
- Digital Scrapbooking Software
- Helpful Drawing Tips
- Face Painting Designs
- Jewelry and CollectiblesJewelry Making Techniques
- Making Bead Jewelry
- Antique Jewelry Collection
- Doll Collection Strategies
- Stitching & KnittingEffective Knitting Instructions
- Knitting vs. Crocheting
- Cross Stitching Patterns
- Custom Embroidery Designs
- Types of Quilting
- Learn About Gardening
- Candle Making Steps
- Top Woodworking Plans
- Pottery Making Techniques
- About Origami Models
- Learning Graffiti Styles

So for hobbyists there is a lot to learn and get ideas about various hobbies.
The definition of 'hobby'described at the site is:

'What Is A Hobby?
Webster defines a hobby as "a pursuit outside one's regular occupation engaged in especially for relaxation." In other words, a hobby is something someone does outside of his or her profession in order to relax and to relieve stress. A hobby is usually something the person enjoys doing very much.

People choose to pursue hobbies for many different reasons. One reason is for relaxation. Today's work-world puts a large amount of stress on the average person. A hobby provides a needed escape from the stress of modern life. Others may pursue a hobby where the end result is creating something in order to gain a sense of accomplishment. The act of producing something that is of value - either intrinsic or person - generates a sense of success and pride. The bottom line is that people pursue a hobby for their own personal enjoyment. Many people, however, do enjoy their jobs, so what sets a hobby apart from a profession?'

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