The topics covered are:
- Best Scrapbooking Layouts
- Digital Scrapbooking Software
- Helpful Drawing Tips
- Face Painting Designs
- Jewelry and CollectiblesJewelry Making Techniques
- Making Bead Jewelry
- Antique Jewelry Collection
- Doll Collection Strategies
- Stitching & KnittingEffective Knitting Instructions
- Knitting vs. Crocheting
- Cross Stitching Patterns
- Custom Embroidery Designs
- Types of Quilting
- Learn About Gardening
- Candle Making Steps
- Top Woodworking Plans
- Pottery Making Techniques
- About Origami Models
- Learning Graffiti Styles
So for hobbyists there is a lot to learn and get ideas about various hobbies.
The definition of 'hobby'described at the site is:
'What Is A Hobby?
Webster defines a hobby as "a pursuit outside one's regular occupation engaged in especially for relaxation." In other words, a hobby is something someone does outside of his or her profession in order to relax and to relieve stress. A hobby is usually something the person enjoys doing very much.
People choose to pursue hobbies for many different reasons. One reason is for relaxation. Today's work-world puts a large amount of stress on the average person. A hobby provides a needed escape from the stress of modern life. Others may pursue a hobby where the end result is creating something in order to gain a sense of accomplishment. The act of producing something that is of value - either intrinsic or person - generates a sense of success and pride. The bottom line is that people pursue a hobby for their own personal enjoyment. Many people, however, do enjoy their jobs, so what sets a hobby apart from a profession?'
You can subscribe to their newsletter to get updates of 'hobbies'by submitting your email at the site.
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